Tuesday 15 July 2008

The well earned day off.

Today was great! I woke up and didn't bang my head on the roof of a van, didnt have to open a trapdoor to find solid ground, didn't have to pack any tents away, and most definitely didn't have to do any skateboarding!
Having said that, I did feel inclined to go for just a small skate, but I was already late for leaving for my brothers graduation, so I pressed on with getting ready.
With everyone suited and booted we set off to the theatre Royal where all the other relatives, friends, boyfriends and girlfriends were queuing to get in. The Graduates entered using another entrance.
The ceremony went on for about an hour and a half, and after the first 30 or so graduates, my hands were starting to hurt from clapping, but I was assuming everyone else was thinking the same thing. My brother was announced and our little group went mad, I didn't care that my hands were hurting, he deserved everybodies applause, not just mine.
After the ceremony we met up with him and had all the photo's taken of him with various members of the family. My dad took over 120 pictures, I can't think what of as there were only about 9 of us.
With Dad's camera memory full we headed to a lovely fish restaurant where we toasted his achievements and ate until we could hardly walk.
We stumbled back to his flat in an all too familiar drizzle, which seems to have been following me all trip long. When we arrived we swapped our suits for something a little less damp and set about planning the next few days of the route south.
My grandfather takes over from the drivers seat of the support van tomorrow, he will take me south for the next 3 days, at which point my mom will pick up and we will be in deepest darkest Devon.
Looking back on the first 2 weeks, it's unreal to think that I have already crossed the entire length of Scotland on a skateboard. I can't look at a map without chuckling anymore.

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